Peace Sanctuary 


Why Meditate?

Meditation enables you to feel calm, peaceful, energised and strengthened. It brings self-healing, releases stress and helps you to be more open, focused and intuitive. A twenty minute deep meditation is equivalent to eight hours sleep.

How do I Meditate?

To begin, it can be a useful practice to sit for ten minutes at the beginning and the end of the day listening either to natural sounds, classical music or any calming, relaxing piece of music.

How do I progress?

Being guided by an experienced practitioner and/or listening to meditation CDs at home will bring further progress.

Can you teach me to meditate?

Yes, I have been developing meditation practice and teaching for twenty five years and the form I use now and teach, for ten years.

I run guided meditations at The Hebden Therapy Centre in Hebden Bridge

Guided Meditations at The Hebden Therapy Centre in Hebden Bridge, Calder Valley, West Yorkshire

To find out more about my guided meditations at the Hebden Therapy Centre in Hebden Bridge, see my guided meditations page Guided Meditations in Hebden Bridge, Calder Valley, West Yorkshire

What sort of meditation do you facilitate?

Guided meditation, crystal meditation, crystal earth meditation The Crystal Earthworks and sound meditation.

Is meditation difficult?

If you can sit in a chair with legs and arms uncrossed or lay down and begin to relax your body you have a good starting point. It is easier with an experienced practitioner guiding you and easier still in a group.

What if I feel uncomfortable in groups?

I can begin the process with you one to one. I also assist clients who have meditated over a long period of time with great commitment to meditate using crystals.

I'd like to know more about meditation

Please contact me and we can discuss options.

cd cover

Guided Meditations and Energy Alignment

This contains two Guided Meditations to music and an Energy Alignment.

The Energy Alignment (Track 1: 9 mins) can be listened to three times a day for optimum effect. Once learnt and practised regularly you will find your sleep pattern improves, stress is released and you will feel calmer and more focused. This is also a very effective tool against bullying and will increase energy levels.

The two Guided Meditations (Track 2: 23.50) (Track 3: 25.54) can be listened to once or twice a day. If you can't make a group or wish to learn on your own this CD is an ideal way to learn, yet is also just as beneficial to those who meditate regularly.

This is available as a CD (sent through the post) or an mp3 file (delivered electronically)

CD delivered by post

mp3 to download